Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Eternal Encourager

Comfort and encouragement are key for those going through difficulties. As wonderful as friends and family are in these times, the level of encouragement they offer are limited. They might understand what we are going through and they might feel compassion, but in terms of offering real and sustaining help, they fall short. The author opens this chapter with the scene of when Jesus gave His final words to His disciples. They were a discouraged group.
"If ever a group of people felt as though their world had collapsed, it was the disciples in the upper room. Jesus told them that one of them would betray Him to the enemy and that Peter would deny Him. Then He told them that He was leaving them to return to His Father in heaven. Was there any encouragement or hope for these men? Yes, there was; for Jesus promised them, "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter; that he may abide with you for ever" (John 14:16). He was speaking, of course, of the Holy Spirit of God who lives within the heart of each believer." (p. 108).
One disciple was predicted to betray Jesus, another to deny Him and then on top of that Jesus said that He would be leaving. Tough words to hear. Yet, Jesus offers us real hope and real encouragement through the Holy Spirit. Comforter does not have the same meaning as we think. It is not mere words of encouragement in tough times. What the Holy Spirit brings is much more.
"Jesus told His disciples that the Father would send them "another Comforter and that word another means "another of the same kind." The Spirit of God takes the place of the Son of God. He is equal to the Son and able to encourage us just as Jesus encouraged His disciples. I have heard Christians say "If Jesus Christ were right here with me as He was with His disciples, then I would be a better Christian!" That is a poor excuse. To begin with, even though Jesus was with His disciples, they often failed Him. And Jesus Christ is with us by His Spirit in a far deeper way than He ever was with His disciples when He was here on earth. The Holy Spirit dwells in us, and He is to us what Jesus was to His disciples.
What did Jesus do for His disciples? He taught them His Word, and the Holy Spirit is our teacher to show us the truths of the Bible. Jesus gave His disciples directions concerning God's will, and the Holy Spirit leads us in the will of God. Our Lord occasionally had to convict His disciples and deal with their sin, and the indwelling Holy Spirit has to convict us when we have disobeyed. The Savior gave His disciples the power they needed for service, and the Holy Spirit gives us the power we need to be workers and witnesses for the Lord. It is impossible to live a joyful, successful Christian life without the Holy Spirit of God." (p. 109).
I agree that both Jesus and the Holy Spirit teach, guide, and convict us of sin. I believe also that the Holy Spirit helps us in ministry. I also think this is where this particular falls short in his explanation and the limits of conservative Christianity are shown. The author does not appear to fully engage an integrity of faith. That is, to explore and apply faith into what we have traditionally called secular spheres. This traditional view proposes that God is only interested in the "spiritual" dimension of our lives. I believe that God is interested in all areas of our lives. God ministers to us and encourages us in every situation. I have found this to be true this week as I have struggled with seeing God in my present situation. I have often asked God for guidance. I had some doubts about a particular product I was taking. The Holy Spirit used this uneasiness to create suspicion. When I went ahead and still took the product, I began to have chess pains. I knew right then and there that I was not going to take the product again and through physical reactions, the Holy Spirit showed me not to continue this medication. This all happened three days ago on Wednesday. What happened yesterday was also amazing. I have been taking vegetable juice for four weeks now. In the beginning, first week in, I showed improvements in health. For a little over two weeks, the improvements stopped and for the past couple of days symptoms got worse. When I took the vegetable juice, I felt like throwing up and had stomach problems. No changes in the juice were made. The same thing happened today and I knew something was wrong. Suddenly, the Holy Spirit reminded me that my mom has been preparing these juices and storing them in the fridge sometimes for two days. I went online to find out more about juicing and discovered that juices need to be consumed immediately and if not it collects harmful bacteria. This helped to understand why I had bad reactions. It also states that the nutrient content greatly diminishes when the juice is not taken right away. Now, this help to understand why there were health improvements during the first week when the juice was taken fresh and why those improvements were gone during these past two plus weeks. Now, information is just information. When we have done something wrong and the Holy Spirit teaches us and speaks to us we have a choice to make the correction. I was so excited to hear God minister to me in this situation when the past few days I have thought that God was absent and God does not care. From the text from yesterday, I have happiness and hope because God has been my help! I've actually been quite happy throughout this day even though it is over a hundred degrees outside. God's help provides us hope which makes us very happy. When God speaks, and enters into our bleak situation, we have a joy that is unspeakable. Yes, God is not merely interested in our spiritual lives, but in every part of our lives and our concern is His concern. His love is amazing!
The author mentions a couple of ways in which the Holy Spirit ministers to us:
"How does the Holy Spirit encourage us as Christians? For one thing, He teaches us the truths of the Bible. Whenever I find myself getting tired and discouraged, I turn to the Bible and ask the Spirit to enlighten me, and He always does. He shows me the promises of the Word. He reveals God to me, and when I see how great God is, my own problems and burdens become very small. One of the great joys of the Christian life is to study God's Word and let the Holy Spirit reveal Christ to us. If you read your Bible without the aid of the Spirit, you will never receive any encouragement. But if you ask the Spirit of God to open your eyes to God's truth, the Comforter will teach you and encourage you.
The Holy Spirit encourages us in another way. He prays for us and helps us to pray in God's will. Romans 8:26 tells us that the Spirit of God intercedes for us, and that He prays in the will of God. We don't hear Him praying, but He prays for us, says Paul, "with groanings which cannot be uttered." I have friends who pray for me, but they cannot pray for me constantly. Yet the Holy Spirit, who lives in me, prays for me constantly. and this is an encouragement to me. (p. 110).
I agree with these two ways that are from Scripture. Yes, the Holy Spirit is always praying for us and this is an encouragement. Yes, also, the Holy Spirit encourages me when I am reading the Word or praying and am reminded of God's Word. Just this week I started meditating on the Psalms and memorizing some parts of the Psalms that have been encouraging me. I find how God is our help and how God is in control in the words of the Psalmist. It helps me to get my eyes off of myself and on to God when I am meditating on Scripture.

"Finally; the Spirit of God takes away fear. "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, arid of a sound mind" (2 Tim. 1:7). The early church faced, ir the power of the Spirit, a wicked and hostile world, arid they had no fear. When the Spirit of God fills you and controls you, there is an inner peace and conidence that drives away fear. Fear always destroys faith; fear alwaYs takes away strength. But when you have the Spirit of God encouraging you, there is no need to be afraid.
The prircipal reason why the Holy Spirit is in the world today is to glorify the Son of God. Jesus said of the Spirit, "He shall gIorify me" (John 16:14). The Spirit of God did not come to glorify men or churches or organizations; Fie came to glori .fy Jesus Christ. If you and I are living for the glory, of God, then the Spirit of God will encotarage us and enable us to serve Christ. But if we are looking for the glory, then we will grieve the Spirit. It is a dangerous thing to t.w to control the Holy Spirit and tell Him what He can do in our lives. We need never fear what the Spirit of God will do, for He loves us and wants the very best for our lives. The Spirit always obe.Vs the Wor of God and will never lead you out Jf the ,will of God. If you find yourself discouraged and ready to quit, take time to examine your relationship to the Holy Spirit. Are you fully yielded to Him? Are you grieving Him by unconfessed sin? Are you quenching Him by willful disobedience? Have you been neglecting your Bible and prayer? These are the usual causes of spiritual defeat and discouragement, and we need to make things right when we discover they are wrong.
But suppose you are obeying the Lord and seeking to glorify Christ, and you a-e still under a cloud of discouragement. What then? Yield to the Spirit and trust Him to work matters out in His good time. Feed on the Word of God. Do not permit yourself to give in to your feelings or to judge God's promises by the difficult circumstances around you. The Spirit of God is not distant from you, sending you advice; He is living in you and giving you the strength and wisdom you need for the decisions of life. Trust Him, wait for His help, and know that He will never fail you. In due time, the Comforter will minister to your needs and encourage your hear,." (pp. 111-112).
For a long time, God seem so absent even though I continually was seeking God in prayer, worship, and Bible reading. I had so much fear and so much anxiety all this week, and yet the Holy Spirit really ministered to me today. No, my problem is not solved, but there is something about knowing that God is with us that encourages us and gives us hope and happiness. Often, the ODB devotional is so powerful and today's was such a devotional.
Abide With Me July 21, 2012
Our Daily Bread is hosted by Les Lamborn

READ: Hebrews 13:1-8

Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” —Hebrews 13:5
One of the highlights of English football (soccer) each year is the final match of the annual FA Cup Final. For more than a hundred years, the day has been marked by excitement, festivity, and competition. But what fascinates me is how the game begins. It starts with the singing of the traditional hymn “Abide With Me.”
At first that struck me as odd. What does that hymn have to do with football? As I thought about it, though, I realized that for the follower of Christ it has everything to do with sports, shopping, working, going to school, or anything else we do. Since there is no corner of our lives that should not be affected by the presence of God, the longing that He would abide with us is actually the most reasonable thing we could desire. Of course, the presence of our heavenly Father is not something we need to plead for—it is promised to us. In Hebrews 13:5, we read, “For [God] Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’”
Not only is God’s presence the key to our contentment, but it is also the promise that can give us wisdom, peace, comfort, and strength—no matter where we are or what we are doing. —Bill Crowder
Thank You, Lord, for walking with us every day.
You are our guardian, friend, and guide.
May we sense Your loving presence and always
know that You are close by our side. Amen.
Our greatest privilege is to enjoy Christ’s presence.

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