Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Today is the last day of July. That would mean, unless Jesus comes tonight, there will be an August 1st. I have spent the entire month of July reflecting over the last book on hardship. I found that though it was very Biblically based, it was not very encouraging or life-changing. I would recommend it to read but would not say that it has the power to provoke life-change. In this month of July, I have felt extremely discouraged throughout. It has been a fight for joy and many times defeat. I feel like right now I really need to return to prayer. The book on unanswered prayer was quite encouraging to me and I feel it is time to return to prayer. There are so many impossible situations in my life right now. My health condition, my joblessness, my singleness, my family's salvation, my house in the Bay Area, my ministry and purpose in the church. My desire is that August be the breakthrough month and so the title of this next book is called "Breakthrough Prayer" (Cymbala, 2003). It is not like God is distant today. In fact, God has seem more real today than any day this month. There have been two situations I have been praying for. First, I have now been on a colon cleanse for eight days, and 18 days on a paracleanse, and it had been very discouraging. Each day there were only small amounts of stool eliminated from my system and yet I ate quite a bit. However, this morning, shortly after waking up, I had a massive elimination of stool. I never thought I would be so happy and be so thankful to God for releasing stool, but I had been so glad that all that waste material is out of my system. I had been praying for three weeks for this. Second, all last week, my brother's car was in the shop because of an accident, and the week before that my parent's car was in the shop for repair. It was difficult for everyone to be sharing one car and so then the subject of buying a car came up. We put it on hold, and asked God's leading in this area. My dad for some reason has wanted a minivan for some time as he sees a need in the church to provide transportation for both elderly and the children. Well, just yesterday, my cousin went into to see the value on her car which was priced at $1100. Seeing how little she could get for it, she decided not to sell it and decided to give it to us this morning. It is a minivan about ten years old. God knew our need and not only that, our desire. He knew my dad's heart to provide transportation and provided the resource. I have seen today how God is so awesome and He sees our needs and wants and provides. We've never received a free car from anyone in our lives, and this is totally God. The van is kept well and even smells new, but my cousin wants a new car. I never even thought of what just happened. I think of Ephesians 3:20-21 and how God is able to do beyond what we can ask or imagine. We are so often too easily pleased with less. And so today totally has been full of God moments.
The author opens with these thoughts:
"It was a sweltering night in New York. My wife, Carol, and I along with a handful of others had gathered around the altar of our little church in Brooklyn. As we stood together in that rundown building, tears flowing freely and our voices lifted in prayer, we knew that our struggling church faced problems only God could defeat. If anything was going to change, if the church was ever going to reach its potential, one critical ingredient was absolutely required. We could not live one more day without breaking through to the blessing of God.
But what exactly was this blessing we sought? As the young pastor of that inner-city church, I was beginning to realize that the blessing of God is something very real and tangible. It can change a man's life, transform a neighborhood, invigorate a church, and even alter the course of history. Often it is given to the most unlikely people, like a friend of mine whose life seemed cursed from the start. He is a great example of the difference God can make."
The story of the Brooklyn Tabernacle is a remarkable one with very humble start. Cymbala briefly tells of its early struggles. We all long to break through to the blessing of God. I want that for my life. I want that for my family. I want that for my church, community, and nation. That is a deep thirst that comes in our lives when we realize we cannot live another day without breaking through to the blessing of God. This is when situations seem so bleak and beyond hope, a lot like how I have felt in July. Cymbala goes on to tell the story of this young man whose life was changed.
"The young man's life continued to cycle downward. What else could happen to a kid who had been cursed by his own mother, abused by a father who was a satanic priest, and dedicated to the devil?
Nicky Cruz soon became the warlord of a vicious street gang called the Mau Maus. The smoldering rage inside him found expression in violence, crime, and bloodshed. He was a twisted psychopath who frightened even his friends. (A police psychiatrist told him after an evaluation that he was on a fast track to the electric chair.)
Then one day God sent a street preacher, named David Wilkerson, who dared to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to him. Incredibly, the gang leader surrendered his life to Christ. The change was instantaneous. Instead of being full of tortured, self-destructive rage, the young man became filled with love and compassion for hopeless cases—kids like him who seemed bent on destroying themselves.
Before long, Nicky began attending a Bible school in California, where he met his future wife. Later, Nicky returned to Puerto Rico and witnessed the conversion of his mother. Over time, the Lord opened doors all over the world for him to share his story, and he became one of the greatest evangelists of his generation. Untold thousands of people have been led to Christ by this man once dedicated to the devil. Today his four daughters and their husbands and children are all serving the Lord.
The curse on Nicky Cruz was real, but God's blessing canceled the curse.1"
God's blessing canceled the curse. I have read so many books that talk about generational curses and so often feel like I am on some kind of curse. Was my sight impairment, joint problem, joblessness, depression part of a curse placed by someone? I don't know. I feel like my life has been one continual struggle. Yet, Nicki also had a rough and violent life but God's blessing broke the curse. God turned a hopeless situation around by the power of His gospel. In this month of July, I have doubted in God's power and presence to change things around for the better. O, how I desire for August to be the breakthrough month.
"Although God has richly blessed us over the years in some dramatic ways, I'm convinced that the kinds of blessings we enjoy are intended for every church and every believer who earnestly prays for them.
In the Bible we see, first of all, that God's blessing is a reflection of his incredible love for his creation. While it is invisible in its essence, his blessing is invincible, overcoming everything that earth or hell can throw against it. This blessing is rooted in the ancient instructions God gave to Moses to be carried out by the high priest of Israel:
The Lord said to Moses, "Tell Aaron and his sons, 'This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them: "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and he gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."' So they will put my name on the Israelites, and / will bless them" (Numbers 6:22-27).
This practice of conferring a priestly blessing in the name of the Lord is what separated Israel from the people around them for all the centuries of its history. Only God's covenant people enjoyed the divine blessing. A nation favored and protected by the Lord, they knew that God had promised to listen to their prayers and be attentive to their problems. The God of the universe had turned his face toward them so that they could receive his supernatural grace. What a privilege to live under the Lord's favor, to daily experience his blessing! What enemy could intimidate them when God was with them in power?
The good news is that God is still a blessing God. In fact, the Bible could be characterized as a book revealing the Lord's intense desire to bless every man and woman he has created.
If this surprises you, you have only to consider the fact that love always desires to bless the object of its affection."
I love this last statement that love desires to bless the object of its affection. We live under God's grace and God's protection as His children and church. God's favor and love shines on us. I think if I had not gone through the stool elimination and witnessed our cousin giving us her car, I would not believe so strongly in God's blessing and kindness towards His children. I am so convinced today of God's lovingkindness. God has an incredible love for His children. Cymbala then draws a human comparison. He says that around Christmas time he is not thinking about what gifts he will receive but what to give to his kids and grandkids. That is how it is like with God. That is how it is with someone who we love. We long to pour out our blessing on who we love.
"This explains why the Hebrew word barak and its derivatives are used more than 330 times in the Old Testament. It's the word for "bless" or "blessing," a word first mentioned in Genesis 1:22 regarding the creatures of the sea: "God blessed them and said, 'Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas.'" If God desired to bless crabs and tuna, just think of his interest in helping you and me, creatures who are made in his image! In fact, the very first words recorded after the Lord created Adam and Eve are these: "God blessed them" (Genesis 1:28).
God's blessing was also the secret behind Noah's escape from the flood. Scripture tells us that "God blessed Noah and his sons" (Genesis 9:1). The divine blessing also enabled them to face the daunting task of leaving their ark of safety and starting over. God blessed them first of all by delivering them from judgment and then by providing for them and making them fruitful as they built a new life together."
I love it when there are insights from Hebrew. When a word is used that often, it must be a significant word. That is how it is with the word for blessing. We find in Genesis, God's desire to bless. We see His provision and protection on Noah and his family after the flood and during the flood. Noah was totally dependant on God and God would come through for Noah, His love is shown for Noah and his family for whom God chose. Noah is a kind of picture of the church and the Christian. He saved Noah and God saves us. He provides and protects. The comparisons can be made at many levels and God's desire to pour out His love. Cymbala then talks about the blessing on Abraham on Genesis 12 and how God will turn Abraham into a great nation and the author says this is God's desire for us to become something greater than ourselves and the result is that God's glory will be shown throughout the earth. God blesses us so that we can display His glory.
"According to Scripture, God's blessing can rest on both men and women, because with God there is no gender bias. His blessing can rest on a family, a child, or even unborn offspring. It can prosper a local church in such measure that an entire city or region will feel the effect of God's favor on that congregation. God's blessing can rest on the labor of our hands, our personal finances, or our physical well-being. In fact, Moses told the Israelites that "the Lord your God will bless you in everything you do" (Deuteronomy 15:18). Think of the vast potential we have if we live under the blessing of God!"
The potential is certainly there. Imagine what can happen to individuals, churches, communities, and nations if Christians live under the blessing of God. Yet, there seems to be a blockage to the blessing for many. I think sometimes we don't even know how to receive God's blessing. Sometimes hardships appear to negate God's blessing in our lives and yet this statement was so encouraging for me. "Nothing can overcome the blessing of God on our lives even though he permits us to face battles along the way. Even the hardships and conflicts we endure are part of his plan to bless us." Sometimes we think if we go through difficulties, God has turned His back against us like how I have felt in the month of July, I have felt like God has forgotten me and that God does not care. Yet, nothing can overcome God's blessing in our lives.
"You remember what made Jabez stand out in his generation: "Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, 'Oh, that you would bless me ... I'" (1 Chronicles 4:10). Jabez, it seems, could not accept the idea of living without the blessing of God. Please notice the emphatic words, "Jabez cried out." His was no mere mental prayer, but the deep cry of a soul that could not live without an open heaven above him.
Jabez's prayer reminds us of Jacob, one of the patriarchs of Israel, who also had a breakthrough time of prayer with God one day. One night Jacob wrestled with God-in-the-form-of-a-man and afterward uttered a sentence that has inspired many people throughout the centuries to fervently seek God for more. As the man sought to leave, Jacob responded, "I will not let you go unless you bless w<?"(Genesis 32:26).
This kind of passionate, desperate prayer is definitely out of vogue today. Maybe that's the reason we experience so little divine blessing on both the church as a whole and her individual members. So often we seem content with the status quo rather than reaching out for more of God. Because of this, we seem to have little effect on the world around us."
What seems to be missing in the church today is real, passionate, spiritual hunger for God. We are far too content in how things are. I think that happens when everything seems fine. There is this feeling of contentment that all is well. I have noticed this in my own life. I pray very shallow and lukewarm prayers. When we go through difficulties, prayer is no longer shallow and lukewarm, it becomes urgent cries to God. We need to recover this in our churches, a real crying out to God.
"Another vital channel of blessing comes from God's precious Word, the Bible. I read a certain passage from Revelation many times over before I came to understand its critical significance: "Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it" (Revelation 1:3). Though this is the introductory passage to the book of Revelation, I believe this promise of blessing is a valid promise that applies to every line of Scripture. A tremendous blessing awaits each of us every day in the Word of God! When we read with a sincere desire to hear God and take his truth to heart by faith, we will receive favor from him.
. Think of all the blessings we squander by allowing ourselves to become too busy to spend time with God's Word. Though some believers are in such a woeful backslidden state that they have lost all desire for the Bible, many people want to read it but simply can't find the time. Yet it's more than just a matter of time. Reading the Bible on a regular basis involves engaging in spiritual warfare, because Satan doesn't want us to read it. He knows God intends to bless us through the Bible, so he tries to make us think we are too busy. God helps us to defeat him and his crafty strategies to keep us from the blessing that God wants to give us every day as we come into contact with his Word."
This is another key part to receiving the blessing. I also struggle with this. I have had sweet times of fellowship in the Word of God, but it remains a struggle. I don't feel like reading, I feel tired, or doubtful in God's goodness and so I avoid reading and days turn to a week. It is a real spiritual battle to be in God's word daily and really hold on to His promises for our lives.
"Perhaps the most critical key in opening a channel for the blessing of God is the one we often find the most difficult: the matter of obedience through faith. Obedience, of course, is a first principle of spiritual life in Christ: "For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield" (Psalm 5:12).
Who are these righteous people who are surrounded and protected by the blessing of God against every weapon and attack of the enemy? They can't be people who are morally perfect, for there are no such people. No, God's blessing is reserved for those who long with all their souls to walk in his light and holiness. The righteous in this context are those who will not tolerate sin in their lives but who are always quick to confess their disobedience and seek mercy from the Lord."
This is the third and perhaps most vital key to God's blessing. It is really hard to bless someone who is rebellious. I see this in children. A parent longs to bless but when a child is always going against the parent it makes that relationship really hard. It is not like the love from that parent ends, but the blessing becomes harder to give. So it is with us, God longs to bless His children whose hearts are fully His. There is one final key to God's blessing the author mentions and it is a rather interesting one when we consider the theme of this chapter.
"What a marvelous, compassionate God we have! He always has a special place in his heart for the vulnerable, weak, brokenhearted, and rejected among his people. This provision was especially touching because aliens were not even part of the chosen people of Israel. Yet the Lord looked out for them! Compassion and concern for the downtrodden, then, is not merely part of a "liberal agenda," but is rooted in the very heart of our Creator.
However, there was even more to the third-year tithe than supplying the needs of Levites, aliens, orphans, and widows. Israel was to give generously "so that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands." It seems that the act of joyfully giving to others actually opened up the windows of heaven so that the people themselves could be blessed.
God still wants to do extraordinary things for followers who imitate him in compassionate giving. How many blessings have we missed out on through stinginess and having a "me-first" attitude? How much more might we receive if compassion and openhandedness characterized our daily living? What a profound and far-reaching truth the Lord revealed to the apostle Paul when he taught that "it is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35)."
Giving compassionately to those in need is the fourth key to God's blessing. At first glance we wonder what does compassionate giving have anything to do with God's blessing. Very little one would think. But, the more I know God, His heart is for justice and compassion especially of those in need. We are most like God and do what He delights in when we give compassionately to those who really need it. I can kind of picture this if I had a child. I smile at the act of when my child takes off her spring break to help build houses for Habitat.
Cymbala closes with a story of when Nicki Cruz and his church went to Peru for missions. What happened was a reporter had a very angry outburst in confronting Nicki: "We in Peru need a former Puerto Rican gang leader to
tell us about God? I resent you even being here in our country!" What Nicki says in response is powerful:
"Thank you very much for your honest question," he began. "Let me tell you a little about my life. I used to like to hurt people. I got my kicks from messing up people pretty bad. In fact, I used to like hurt people just like you."
What? Where was Nicky heading? I started praying hard!
"But that was a long time ago, before Jesus changed my life. I didn't come here as an American or as a Puerto Rican, but as a Christian who has been changed by the power of God! You're right, America is a messed up place in many ways, but that's why I leave my wife and four daughters and travel so that people there can hear about the love of Jesus. You live in a beautiful country, but Peru needs Christ just like the rest of the world. And because Jesus changed me from a wild, hate-filled, violent animal on the streets, I want you to know about his power, too."
"The same God who has blessed and used Nicky Cruz to help others is able to do the same for you."
Father, here is a beautiful illustration of Your power, love, and blessing. You change lives and totally transform them for Your glory and the salvation of nations. Indeed, You are a big and global God. I desire Your blessing, not for myself, but I seek Your blessing that I may be a blessing that Your glory will be displayed in my life and that many would come to know You. It is not easy as we have learned. We must cry out to You, spend time in Your word, desire to do Your will, and learn to give compassionately and honor You in all that we do. This is the life You intend to bless. I desire to be a man who You can bless and that I can be a blessing to many. I see Your Father heart to give and to love. You desire to pour out Your love and affection on Your beloved. I am so encouraged in reading today about Your heart and nature. Lord Jesus, I am not content with how things are. I see so many impossible situations and the feeling like there is so much more, and I feel tired of how things are. I seek Your blessing, Your power and love in my life.
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