This particular chapter can be easy to apply in some seasons and very difficult to apply in other seasons. My 29th birthday in Davis was one of my top best memories. Many close friends, food, worship, time of sharing, prayer walk, and spending time with loved ones. I sure could and did give thanks for that day. Fast forward two years to now and it is far more difficult to give thanks. My joint condition, my joblessness, my singleness, it is in these moments when it is so hard to give thanks. Yet, at the start of this chapter Wiersbe reminds us of the Biblical mandate:
"Life has its perplexities and even its tragedies. Experiences come to us that we simply don't understand. In fact, there are times when it is too difficult to be thankful. Yet 1 Thessalonians 5:18 commands us, "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
At this point you may say, "But there's a difference between giving thanks in everything and giving thanks for everything." I agree. But the Lord wants us to do both. First Thessalonians 5:18 commands me to give thanks in everything, and Ephesians 5:20 says, "Giving thanks always for all things .... "You cannot escape the fact that God expects us to be thankful no matter what circumstances may come to our lives." (p. 35)
God expects us to be thankful, no matter what. Just half an hour ago the mail came. One letter was from the agency I interviewed at two weeks ago. The first line always sounds so nice. It says thank you for your interest in the position. Then, I know what follows:
Although you certainly had many of the qualifications that we seek for this position, we have selected another candidate that we feel is best suited for the position.
I knew that was coming. Who sends a letter to mark acceptance for a job? I've really wrestled with this one. It has been so long since I have heard any good news, that is positive news regarding myself. It is hard to be thankful for this rejection letter. Yet, my dad, who was the one who gave me the envelope and knew that it was not good news. It was my dad who said that God has something better. Don't give up. He knows my tendencies all to well. Why does God allow for rejection notices and closed opportunities? I don't know. It would have been better if God never even gave me the interview so I wont feel this sense of disappointment and discouragement. I sometimes think that without the disappointments, the celebrations aren't as sweet/. A brother said something that we have sometimes heard. Fake it till you make it. Can I fake being thankful for this rejection notice? Perhaps. I know intellectual that God has something better but it does not take away the disappointment.
Wiersbe then goes into the very real problem of doubting God's love and allowing satan to fill us with lies of God's character. We say to ourselves that we did everything right. We're serving in church. We offer aid to the poor. We are faithful in our work and relationships.
"If we aren't careful, at this point, the devil will come on the scene and start making matters worse. He is the accuser of the brethren and is skilled at getting us to doubt God's love and care. He will say, "If God loves you so much, why did this happen? I thought God promised to care for His children. He certainly isn't caring for you."
At this stage in your experience, lay hold of the truth that God loves you, and don't let anybody steal it away from you. Circumstances may assail you; Satan may accuse you; your Christian friends may even abandon you, but God loves you just as much as He did when He gave Jesus to die for you on the cross. Your circumstances have changed, and your feelings have changed, but God's love has not changed.
When you experience the love of God in your heart, then your faith will grow' stronger, and you will be able to give thanks. To be sure, giving thanks when everything is falling apart is a real act of faith, but we Christians "walk by faith and not by sight, we say to ourselves, "My Father loves me and knows all about this difficulty. Because He loves me, I can trust Him. He has some wonderful purpose in mind that I cannot see just now'. Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him." When you and I express our faith and love like that, the Father will fill our hearts with His blessing and we will be able to give thanks. It is a miracle of God's grace, and it really works.
Love increases our faith, and when we have faith and love, we will have hope." (pp. 37-38).
God loves me. No matter what, God loves me. Even though it doesn't seem like it at the moment, God loves me. God has a purpose for this. Love increases our faith. Those whom we love we also trust. Like a parent with a child. The child trusts the parents. I like this final line that if we have faith and love then we have hope. Hope is the key word of my season. All the situations mentioned above don't seem so hopeful. Employment, physical recovery, a wife, seem to be real impossible right now and without hope, life becomes very difficult. God knows our needs even when we aren't sure that He does.
"When you and I go through the hardships of life, our heavenly Father says to us: "You don't understand all of this, but I do, and I know it is for your good. Trust me and be sure of my love. I have some wonderful things planned for you--not only in this life, but in the next life in glory, so don't be discouraged." Faith and love unite to produce hope, and when we have faith, hope, and love, we don't find it difficult to give thanks!
"In every thing give thanks .... "We cannot obey that commandment in our own strength; we need the power of the Spirit of God and the encouragement of the Word of God. :p. 38)
Father, how true is that last statement, we cannot give thanks in all situations in our own strength. We need the power of Your Spirit and the encouragement of Your word. Empower us with Your spirit to be thankful even in tough situations. Encourage us with Your word as You have today about Your love and constant care. I stand so amazed that You really truly know me! Before this day began You knew my rejection letter would arrive in the mail today. You knew that today’s chapter was on thanksgiving. You knew also that I would struggle with discouragement. You know the detail of my life and how I even react to disappointments. This chapter is so timely and so relevant. I know today has been difficult. I did not expect this morning that I would receive a rejection letter in the mail. I felt like I interviewed well and I met all the qualifications. Yet, I was reminded today not to lose heart and that this is not the end. I want to believe that You have something far better in store. I wish sometimes that You could take away all the disappointments and rejection notices. Somehow, some way even these challenges are part of the journey with You as You teach us and change us into the people we were created to be.
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