Friday, September 14, 2012

September 10, 2012
"What God has planned for the Church in this hour is greater than our ability to imagine and pray. We must have the help of the Holy Spirit to learn about these mysteries of the Church and God's Kingdom. Without Him we don't have enough
insight even to know what to ask for in prayer."
I come now to the final chapter. You know you read a good book and there is a sense of sorrow when it is over. I want there to be more chapters. Few books that I read have this influence on me. The Macarthurs and Wiersbe books don't have that impact on me anymore. They once did, but there is something different about charismatics. I feel like Macarthur and Wiersbe are very solid in Bible preaching and giving understanding to a passage, but they do not promote a supernatural lifestyle of healing, signs, and wonders. In fact Macarthur is clear that healings and sign gifts no longer exist. They were only for Biblical times and no longer exist today. You will not find healing services at the church where he pastors. As someone with health issues, more than ever I need to surround myself with men and women of faith and encouragement. As a result, I believe I am not going to stop with this book. I need to read another Bill Johnson book. I will provide my rating for this one:
Biblical: 10/10
Readable: 10/10
Practical: 10/10
Inspirational: 10/10

You can tell I am quite generous with this particular book. It has really encouraged me in my faith to pray big and dream God-sized dreams. It has caused me to hunger for God and for revival. It sets a flame in my heart for the glory of God and right now in my life I need this. I feel so dry and empty when I read Macarthur now. I want a vibrant Christianity which is what Bill Johnson is all about. His church shows evidence of a true early church influencing the community through the power of the Holy Spirit.
I totally needed to rely on the Holy Spirit today. A church sister said she wanted my expert advice regarding a social work situation. Please note that I am not and have never been employed as a social worker. Other than having two internships doing group psychotherapy, I have no experience. She has a child welfare situation and I have never worked with kids. She called and left a message and so before calling back I prayed hard for wisdom. It turns out that somehow,, some way I was able to provide some encouragement and suggestions to her situation. I totally thought I would be stuck and be done with the conversation in one minute, but it had lasted for ten and we had a good discussion. God provides us wisdom beyond our ability at the right time for the right person.
The one downer for today is that my pedal exerciser broke. I had purchased it on August 13. It arived on the 20th. This means I have used it for exactly three weeks. When we got it my dad said made in China to which my mom replied this thing is going to break quick. Low and behold it did. I used it for normal use about twice a day for about twenty minutes. I was even starting to gain some stamina and firmness in my legs. Now, I have no form of aerobic activity because I still cannot stand for long periods of time meaning more than three minutes. I had been discouraged because this machine gave me a good workout and I was feeling good about this. Nothing lasts forever especially if it is made in China.

"Understanding what is about to come is important, but not to equip us to plan and strategize more effectively. On the contrary it's inaportant to understand God's promise and purpose for the Church so that we might become dissatisfied—so that we will become desperate. Intercession from insatiable hunger moves the heart of God as nothing else can.
Revival is not for the faint of heart. It brings fear to the complacent because of the risks it requires. The fearful often work against the move of God—sometimes to their death—all the while thinking they are working for Hina. Deception says that the changes brought about by revival contradict the faith of their fathers. As a result, the God-given ability to create withers into the laborious task of preserving. The fearful become curators of museunas, instead of builders of the Kingdom.
Others are ready to risk all. The faith of their fathers is considered a worthy foundation to build upon. They have caught a glimpse of what could be and will settle for nothing less. Change is not a threat, but an adventure. Revelation increases, ideas multiply, and the stretch begins.
"The Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret counsel to His servants the prophets."1 God's activities on earth begin with a revelation to mankind. Hie prophet hears and declares.Those with ears to hear respond and are equipped for change."
I ask myself do I really want revival? Do I want that kind of change? The fact my healing has not yet come brings a kind of complacency and faithlessness. I don't see the power of God or the vision of God so it becomes a little harder to believe in revival. However, in my heart of hearts, I long for it to come. I want to see God's manifest glory bring healing and hope to the multitudes. I welcome the move of God in this place and know that we are in great need for this movement in this city.

"The following is a partial list of things that are mentioned in Scripture about the Church that have yet to be fulfilled. Jesus intends for us to become mature before He returns. Each of these passages provides a prophetic glimpse into the heart of God tor us right now.
WISDOM OF GOD—"That now the manifold ivisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places, according to His eternal purpose... "/'
Wisdom is to be displayed by us NOW! It is clear that God intends to teach the spirit realm about His wisdom through those made in His image—us.
Solomon was the wisest man ever to live, apart from Jesus who is wisdom personified. The queen of Sheba came to examine Solomon's wisdom. "And when the queen of Sheba had seen the wisdom of Solomon, the house that he had built, the food on his table, the seating of his servants, the service of his waiters and their apparel, his cup bearers and their apparel, and his entryway by which he went up to the house of the Lord, there was no more spirit in her."x She acknowledged that his wisdom was far greater than she ever imagined.The depth of his wisdom was actually identified by these three attributes: excellence, creativity, and integrity. When she saw it in action, it took her breath away!
The wisdom of God will again be seen in His people. The Church, which is presently despised, or at best ignored, will again be reverenced and admired. The Church will again be a praise in the earth."
Let's examine the three elements belonging to Solomon's wisdom:
Excellence is the high standard for what we do because of who wre are. God is extravagant, but not wasteful. An excellent heart for God may appear to be wasteful to those on the outside. For example: In Matthew 26:8 we find Mary- pouring out an ointment upon Jesus that cost a full year's income. The disciples thought it would be put to better use if it would have been sold and the money given to the poor. In 2 Samuel 6:14-16,23, King David humbled himself before the people by taking off his kingly garments and dancing wildly before God. His wife, Michal, despised him for it. As a result she bore no children to the day of her death—either from barrenness or from the lack of intimacy between her and her husband, David. It was a tragic loss caused by pride. In both situations outsiders considered the extravagant actions of these worshippers to be wasteful. God is good. Excellence conies from viewing things from His perspective.
In pursuing this virtue, we do all to the glory of God. with all our might. A heart of excellence has no place for the poverty spirit that affects so much of what we do.
Creativity is not only seen in a full restoration of the arts, but is the nature of His people in finding new and better ways to do things. It is a shame for the Church to fall into the rut of predictability and call it tradition. We must reveal who our Father is through creative expression.
The Church is often guilty of avoiding creativity because it requires change. Resistance to change is a resistance to the nature of God. Because the winds of change are blowing, it will be easy to distinguish between those who are satisfied and those who are hungry. Change brings to light the secrets of the heart.
This anointing will also bring about new inventions, breakthroughs in medicine and science, and novel ideas for business and education. New sounds of music will come from the Church, as will other fornas of art. The list is endless. The sky is the limit. Arise and create!
Integrity is the expression of God's character seen in us. And that character is His holiness. Holiness is the essence of His nature. It is not sonaething He does or doesn't do. It is who He is. It is the same for us. We are holy because the nature of God is in us. It begins with a heart separated unto God, and becomes evident in the Christ nature seen through us.
If we can keep the soiled hands of religion from the beautiful expression of God holiness, people will be attracted to the Church as they were to Jesus. Religion is not only boring; it is cruel. It takes the breath out of every good thing.”
I pause here to consider the three aspects of wisdom the author mentions. I ask myself are these elements missing or present in my local church. First, excellence. This does mean spectacular to some degree but it is co much more than that. It is like the author says apparent wastefulness. Kind of like when Mary poured out the perfume over the head of Jesus as an act of worship. It was costly and looked wasteful to the eyes of the disciples. Do we worship and sacrifice in such a way that the world takes notice and not only takes notice but sees our acts of worship as foolish? Second, creative. Finding new and better ways to do things. To pioneer new and better ministries. To reach more people in new ways. Thirdly, and lastly, with integrity. This is the piece about character and holiness. I do see this third and last piece present in the church. I see the fruit of the Spirit evident in my brothers and sisters. However, we have a long way to go to demonstrate the wisdom of God in the previously mentioned two ways. Our ministries and our worship service is the same from week to week and from month to month. We can leave the country for a year and come back and nothing has changed. This is sad and not demonstrating the creativity and excellence of God’s wisdom in the church. I admit, I personally don’t know what to do to bring these aspects of creativity and excellence into the church. I want to see  it and be a part of it but I confess I don’t know what to do.
 “True holiness is refreshingly good.
The queen of Sheba becanae speechless in response to Solomon's wisdom. It's time for the Church's wisdom to cause the world to become silent again.
GLORIOUS CHURCH— "... that He might present her to Himself a glorious church."'"
God's original intent for mankind is seen in the passage, "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."" We were to live in the glory of God. That was the target when God created mankind. Our sua caused the arrow of His purpose to fall short.
The glory of God is the manifested presence of Jesus. Imagine this: a people that are continually conscious of the presence of God, not in theory, but the actual presence of God upon them!
We will be a Church in which [esus is seen in His glory! It is the Holy- Spirit's  presence  and  anointing  that  will  dominate  the  Christian's  life. The Church will be radiant. "The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former." 2
BRIDE WITHOUT SPOT OR WRINKLE— "...that He might present
her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blame."'"
Imagine a beautiful young woman prepared for a wedding. She has taken care of herself by eating right and getting all the exercise she needs. Her mind is sharp and she is emotionally7 secure and free. By looking at her, you'd never know she had ever done anything wrong. Guilt and shame do not blemish her countenance. She understands and exudes grace. According to Revelation 19:7, she made herself ready. Romance will do that to you. As Larry Randolph puts it, "It's a perversion to expect the groom to dress the bride for the wedding." The Church is to naake herself ready. The tools are in place for such an event. The Church must now use them.
The former is a biblical description of the Bride of Christ. When we see how great God is, we'll not question His ability to pull this one off. Paul makes a statement to the church at Corinth that he didn't want to return to them until their obedience was complete. That is the heart of God for the Church. And so, Jesus, the pe feet One, will return for the spotless one when He views our obedience as complete.
NITY OF FAITH— "till we all come to the unity of the faith..."."
This that is called the unity of faith is the faith that works through love mentioned in Galatians 5:6. Love and faith are the two essentials of the Christian life.
Faith comes from the Word of God, specifically "a Word freshly spoken. "Faith is what pleases God. It is active trust in Him as Abba Father. He alone is the source of such faith. It comes as the result of Him speaking to His people. Unity of faith means we will hear His voice together, and demonstrate great exploits. It is a lifestyle, not just a concept—as in having unity in our ideas about faith.The exploits of the present and coming revival will surpass all the accomplishments of the Church in all history combined. Over one billion souls will be saved. Stadiums will be filled with people 24 hours a day, for days on end, with miracles beyond number: healings, conversions, resurrections, and deliverances too many to count. No special speaker, no well-known miracle worker.
just the Church being what God has called her to be. And all this will be the outgrowth of the unity of faith.
REVELATION KNOWLEDGE OF THE SON—"till we all come to the
unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son ofGod..."."
The apostle John once laid his head on the chest of Jesus. He was called the one whom Jesus loved. Towards the end of his life, on the Isles of Patmos, he saw Jesus again. This time Jesus looked nothing like the one he shared that final meal with. His hair was white like wool, His eyes were a flame of fire, and His feet were like burnished bronze. God felt that this revelation was worthy of a book. It is called: The Revelation of Jesus Christ. The entire Church will receive a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ, especially through that book. This that has been so mysterious will be understood. And that revelation will launch the Church into a transformation unlike any experienced in a previous age. Why? Because as we see Him, we become like Him!

Imagine a house with many rooms. This house represents our life. Every room that we allow His love to touch becomes filled with His fullness.That is the picture of this verse.'The Church will know the love of God by experience.

This will go beyond our ability to comprehend.That intimate love relationship with God will help us to receive all that He has desired to release since the beginning of time.
"...till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Sou of God, to a pefect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. ""*
The experiential love of God, and the corresponding fullness of the Spirit is what is necessary to bring us to the full stature of Christ—-Jesus will be accurately seen in the Church, just as the Father was accurately seen in Jesus.

This passage quoted from Joel 2 has never been completely fulfilled. It had initial fulfillment in Acts 2, but its reach was far greater than that generation could fulfill. First of all, All flesh was never touched by that revival. But it will happen. In the coming move of God, racial barriers will be broken, as will the economic, sexual, and age barriers. The outpouring of the Spirit in the last generation will touch every nation on the earth, releasing the gifts of the Spirit in full measure upon and through His people.

"It has never entered the mind what God has prepared for us while on this earth. His intent is grand. Instead of limiting ourselves by our imagination and experience, let's press on to a renewed hunger for things yet to be seen. As we pursue the Extravagant One with reckless abandon, we will discover that our greatest problena is the resistance that comes from between our ears. But faith is superior. And it's time for us to make Him unconcerned about whether or not He'll find faith on the earth.
The Kingdom is in the now! Pray for it, seek it first, and receive it as a child. It is within reach.

Two weeks after Chris's miracle, I showed his video to our church. Our people were very encouraged. The next day two of our young men went to the mall and saw an elderly woman with a cane. When they asked to pray for her. she wasn't interested, until she heard Chris's story. His testimony prophesied God's goodness to her, and she became hungry for prayer."
Father, this is a marvelous picture of the church for this generation. I want us to be a church that manifests Your glory and presence. I want us to be moment by moment conscious of You and deeply in love with You. I want the world to take notice of the bride of Christ. I love the picture of a young woman who just got engaged. She is deeply in love with her groom to be. She is commited to purity and faithfulness. She exercises each day for hours her mind and her body so she will be in the best shape for her husband. She is careful what she eats and what she puts into her mind. May Your church be commited to this purity and holiness. Help us to be the church that radiates the glory of Jesus, Your wisdom, and Your love. This wisdom demonstrates excellence, creativity and integrity. This is such an awesome picture of the church. Now is the time. This is the hour. I pray for revival, a powerful out-pouring of Your spirit in the church to bring hope and healing to the nations like never before. Help us to be the church that You intend for us to be.

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