August 6, 2012
Of all the Christians I have known from the days of elementary school till now, about a span of 21 years, and all the churches I have been to, around 90 in the United States and Canada, there has only been one believer who has said that God speaks directly through dreams. This does not include the authors, evangelists, and preachers who have said God has spoken to them through dreams. I have a lot of random dreams in my life about places and people and none have really had any substance. Within the past month I have been praying more for my family's salvation and two nights ago night I had a dream of my brother coming to faith. Well, this morning I woke up from a dream where I was able to walk without a walker or need for a wheelchair. Could it be true? I did not wake up fully recovered or anything close, but can God really speak to us? I did however feel far more lose and flexible in my joints.
"How we feel, how things seem, what others say—these transient sentiments and circumstances will never cause faith to take root in our souls. Anyone who relies on them will never be able to pray with confidence before the throne of grace. Instead, we need to develop a strong faith, based on God's unalterable Word. How we react to his Word and the place it finds in our hearts are what will determine our future in God.
The Word is living and powerful, provoking different reactions in different people and even different attitudes within one person. The Word of God that transforms one person may be rejected by another. The truth that lifts us spiritually one day may produce doubts that later tempt us to despair. It is through these intimate dealings with the Word of God that power in prayer is obtained.
Nowhere in the Bible is this better illustrated than in God's "word" to Moses. After fleeing Egypt, Moses lived in isolation from the affairs of men for forty years. Then one day, Israel's future deliverer encountered the Lord in a burning bush (Exodus 3). That day in the desert, Moses listened as the Lord revealed his name. He witnessed miraculous signs confirming that God had spoken and commissioned him. Then God gave Moses a message to deliver to both the Hebrew elders and Pharaoh: "Let my people go." What a message to carry to a people enslaved for generations! What a message to deliver to one of the kings who had enslaved them! Though Moses at first shrank from the mission, he later obeyed and went to Egypt."
So true. One day Scripture can lift me up and the next day discourage. Recently, I have had very little interest in meditating on Scripture. I have had tons of doubts. How things seem, how I feel, and the things I read about my condition are very discouraging. Arthritis is considered in the medical literature to be without cure. Any time any one hears "without cure" a ton of bricks weighs down on one's spirit. I have been battling depression like never before these last three or so weeks especially. I've desired for August to be my breakthrough month, and it is nearing the one fourth mark of August and no sign of things appear to be in sight. Moses' encounter with God recorded in Exodus 3 is powerful. Moses, like me, had many doubts. After all, he was pretty much in exile, running for his life for forty years. He went from palace to being out in the middle of nowhere. That must have been humbling. But God revealed Himself in a powerful way and instructed Him to deliver God's people. Without the encounter, I don't think Moses or anyone would be up for such a huge task. So, it is only when we receive a word from God that we are able to build a strong faith to do that which He has promised. I have had two dreams now where I was able to walk. The previous one was July 7th. I am not sure if the dreams have any value. I hope so. I really do.
"THE WORD WILL TEST US This is the test for anyone who clings to "thus says the Lord." After we pray or step out in obedience, things may get worse before they get better! We anticipate a quick resolution of the problem. Instead, the problem becomes magnified. Like Moses, we are tempted to doubt the word God gave us. Parents who pray afresh for a wayward daughter are crushed when her behavior worsens. A pastor who seeks God to revive his church is dismayed when his godly efforts yield criticism instead of contrition. Folks who prayerfully adopt a destitute child encounter medical or emotional problems they never saw coming. Often, standing on God's promises involves more than we bargained for.
When the Hebrew foremen protested Pharaoh's unfair labor practices, they were thrown out of his palace. Instead of running to Moses to ask for help, they let him have it:
"May the Lord look upon you and judge you! You have made us a stench to Pharaoh and his officials and have put a sword in their hand to kill us" (Exodus 5:21).
Trusting in the Lord did not make Moses' life easier but instead placed him on a spiritual and emotional roller coaster. The Hebrews who had bowed in worship when they first heard God's message now wished they had never encouraged their emancipator."
Nothing ever comes easy. It certainly does not in my life. The text says the Hebrews originally welcomed Moses's message but after the Hebrews were mistreated, they now turned against Moses. He now had several problems on his hands. Things rarely go smoothly when we're praying for breakthrough. It isn't ever easy. Things get difficult and we wonder if God was even behind the promise. This is when real faith needs to take place.
"Many breakthroughs are not instantaneous.
Instead, they place us in the refiner's fire.
In what way did the "word of the Lord" test Joseph? The Hebrew word used here speaks of refining metals to remove impurities. As Joseph lay rotting in prison, God's word had a purging effect on him. Would he continue to trust and worship despite his circumstances, or would he give in to despair? This is how God's Word refines all of us. We act on his Many breakthroug promise, and the testing begins. are not instantaneoi Things turn worse instead of bet- Instead, they place ter. Opposition springs up against jn the refiner's fire
us. God doesn't seem to hear our prayers. Discouragement leaves us susceptible to temptation.
This purging process rids us of self-dependence so that our faith can remain solely in God. It refines us of self- indulgence so we can walk in holiness. It deepens our surrender to God's will in preference to other more convenient options. And the experience reminds us that God's grace is sufficient as we wait for the fulfillment of his word. We must accept that many breakthroughs are not instantaneous. Instead, they place us in the refiner's fire. Yet the Lord's purpose is not to diminish but to abundantly bless us in the end!
Why does God sometimes permit his people to go through "fire and water"? Because he wants to enlarge our lives through his purging process. He uses delays, negative circumstances, unfair treatment, and a host of other difficulties as his word works within us. How else can he secure our total trust and surrender than by the process of refining us like silver? So hold on to what God has said even though ten thousand voices tell you it's useless. Move ahead in the assignment he gave you even when you face obstacles on every hand. Never mind how difficult things are for the moment. In just a little while, God will bring you into "a place of abundance."
"In a little while" God will bring us into a place of abundance. That little while seems sometimes like a really long time. Joseph is an often quoted example of waiting for God's abundance. He was falsely accused of attempted rape, solve by his brothers into slavery, placed in prison for that false accusation, forgotten, and rejected. He went through so much before God raised him up to be second in command of Egypt. Yet, for Joseph, he kept his faith. He continued to trust God and his faith did not faulter. Delays, negative circumstances, discouragement are part of this process. I wish I was healed two months ago. I wish things could happen in an instand. Back in chapter 5 was the story of Farah, the girl from Haiti who went through much sexual abuse and rejection from family members and lived with a security guard at the age of twelve who had seduced her and fathered two children. The author closes with the story of the ministry in which changed her life. Grace had a vision on her heart to help troubled teens. She did not know how or where, but little by little, God provided training and opportunity. The final step was securing property.
"Though the rugs were horribly stained, with garbage strewn everywhere, Grace saw the house with eyes of faith. God could use this place for his glory—she was certain of it. Before long, George began to see it, too.
The local businessman who owned the property had two other offers pending but promised to prepare papers as long as they could deliver a check for $1,500 by the following Monday. It was Friday afternoon. Where would they get the money? Still they clung to God's word as they drove home that evening.
The next day Grace and George met with another businessman, keeping an appointment they had previously scheduled. They were shocked when the man handed them a check for $1,000! That Sunday, George had a speaking commitment at a nearby church. After the service a lady approached him, telling him she had just received an inheritance. The Lord had spoken to her and she wanted to give a tithe of it to this ministry for troubled girls. She then handed him a check for $500. In just two days they had the exact amount of money they needed.
Of course, that was just the beginning of their roller coaster ride of faith. But through all the ups and downs, as they set about cleaning up, renovating, and furnishing the house and then learning to run the new ministry, the Lord was always there providing for their needs. One thing they never lacked was hurting women in need of God's help.
Years later, the two again stepped out in faith. It was one thing to accept women without children but another thing entirely to accept women with their children. Opening their doors even wider meant holding on tighter to the promise God had given them. Yet the One who began the work has never failed. For more than twenty-five years the staff of New Life have been trusting God, and he has continued to supply all their needs.
Some very tough women have ended up at New Life. Many wear their anger on their faces and bear terrible scars in their souls from the ravages of sin and abuse. All are welcomed by the once-sheltered girl who received a burden from the Lord years ago. No matter how hardened or hopeless they seem on the outside, Grace Rosado knows how beautiful they can become as Jesus begins his work in them. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17)."
Father, this is a powerful story once again about Your goodness and faithfulness to provide and empower our God-size dreams. Last night You gave me a God-size dream of full recovery and normal health. As I woke up, nothing really changed. Father, I desire so much to return to health. Two nights ago was the dream of my brother coming to faith. He has no interest in anything spiritual today and this too is a God-size dream. I pray also for a job, a ministry, a wife, things at this present moment that seem out of reach. It is hard sometimes to cling on to the promise that You have plans to give us hope and a future. I don't want to give up though the temptation is always there. I need to remain close to You and I need Your strength, help, and presence to give me hope.
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