Friday, August 24, 2012

August 23, 2012
Today was a very challenging day. I felt more joint pain today than in the past two weeks. It was difficult to walk. However, my dad needed me to accompany him to see a church member in her home. The path from her driveway to her living room was only about 20-25 feet but it was a very uncomfortable walk. I am glad that we came to visit her and lunch at the restaurant, though small in portion was good. She has been at the church for over 50 years and we heard about the long history, rise and decline of this church. I've realized that I also enjoy hanging out with older Christians as well as those my own age.
My dad wanted me to order PH test strips which I did so a couple of days ago. My PH is 7.2 which is close to the ideal PH. My dad jokingly said that I am going to live to 90. However, health is not measured only by a PH number. I surely do not feel healthy today. I felt pain and discomfort in my knee. I thought I was getting better and better but today was a setback which impacted me emotionally. I might have a PH of 7.2, but using my braille tape measure, I found out I have a waist size of 39. Yes, I was surprised at this too remembering that as a college freshman I was only 31. I put on close to fifty pounds and I know now more than ever I am not at a good place. A lot of discouragement set in today. The enemy really use my feelings today to bring me way down. I long for healing, health, and spiritual vitality. Yet I am so far from these things. I pray that yesterday was the start of my life resurrection, but today was a huge step back. I do not live by feelings, but my feelings today have profoundly impacted my energy.
The devotional this morning that encouraged me touches on the Philippians 3 text about how Paul goes through his accomplishments and say he counts those things as rubbish compared to knowing Christ. The devotional closes with the idea that we need to trust God with our every need.
I don't know what book to read yet, but I want to be able to grow in my trust in God for my every need. In this difficult season, I do not see God's power and presence manifesting itself in supernatural ways. Many times I pray that I want to have a vibrant faith, almost charismatic in nature. I have spent years in conservative circles where it often appears is devoid of the Spirit's power.
Father, there is a song years ago I remember vaguely. It goes something like "More love. More power. More of You in my life". Father, that is my prayer. That is my desire. I don't want a lukewarm apathetic faith. I desire closeness with You, and to live supernaturally. I continue to believe You for Your healing of my body. I thank You for a PH of 7.2 but I have a waist size that is very unhealthy and far too much fat. I need Your help to become healthy physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Today was very difficult with physical pain that had not been present in weeks. This led to discouragement and low mood. Father, You did not send Your son to die so that we live defeated and unhealthy lives. Father, Christ came so that we may live life to the fullest and my prayer today is for Your help to live the full Christian life.

How Passionate Is Our Love for the Lord?
“For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it.” Matthew 16:25
When I was a little boy and I found something that didn’t belong to me, I’d say, “Finders keepers, losers weepers!”
But do you know what the apostle Paul said? “Keepers weepers, losers finders.”
He said, “But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ” (Philippians 3:7).
Religion does not save us. Jesus saves us. And He’s calling us to not only turn from our sins, but to turn from our righteousness.
What are you holding onto in your life that brings you security? Let it go to the glory of God! You can trust Him to provide for all your needs.

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